Beyond The Oblivion…
It’s been 48 hours since He Left Me, and I still believe someone is playing a big joke on me. I keep on looking around my back, sometimes round the corners, Expecting Cyrus to jump out of one of these corners and shout “BAKRA”. But hold on, Take a Grip, The tickets are already booked… Even the return tickets. And I think…
What is it that lies Beyond The Oblivion, What is Left when nothing is Left. These random thoughts flood my mind as I try not to think about not thinking. Sitting in front of this bright source of light, my fingers play on the keyboard. Its music to my ears, just as it was last night when I plucked at those 6 strings that I have been plucking at for almost a year now. I almost lost the nails I had so meticulously grown to sound like a pro. My fingers hurt but this heart hurts more.
The wait is harder than the moment. I should have already been home, but here I am, performing the last rites at my office. After all, appraisal is due, I have to complete my forms, some coding is still left, but so has he. This is the second time I am writing without a clear head. I have been hurt, I have been bruised I have been broken but never at the mind. But I will continue, I have to. For this is what it is all about. Write so as to get to know yourself.
Let me get back to thinking about not thinking, let me get back to staring at the matrix of code. Let me go back to wait, wait for another 3 days before I can leave…