Monday, April 17, 2006

The Remains Of A Charred Dream

The Remains Of A Charred Dream…

Bangalore… A Dream,
A Dream which made me leave home once again to foray into the unknown, to pursue the truth, to seek the reality about myself, to grow stronger, to learn, to live… But all that remains is ASH… The Truth, be it your Heart, your Dreams, your Love, your Life, or Coal… All that is left after The Fire is… ASH (Yes, you will know once you read this. I wrote this line after I read what you had sent me ;-) ). The pain of seeing your dreams burn in that raging fire is worse than the smell of burning rubber, worse than the nausea caused by the charred remains of human flesh.

Come to think of it, and that’s exactly what happened to Bangalore… Ruffians hurtling projectiles at glass buildings, without taking the pain to calculate the angle of projection so as to be able to minimize the force required for maximum Range and Height (They should have studied physics instead of taking to politics), Hooligans burning tyres and busses, forcing employees to stop work and close down the big money churning machines like IBM… ensuring a loss of more than $40 Million in one day, an amount they would never come close to making even if they lived 100 times over. And all this for what?

Wait, Wait… I have the answer, or I believe I do, “The Remains Of A Charred Dream”. Yes that’s the reason, the unfulfilled dreams of one, burning up those of another, in the hope that all would be justified. The Desire to Rule, The Desire to Own, The Desire to be Known, The Desire to be Respected, The Desire to be Feared… ok, ok, one word for it all… Politics, what else could it have been, A Burning Desire and that’s what it is. A Desire for More, A Hunger for Power; All that is left is Silence, “The Silence of the Lambs”, everything will be Forgotten, everything will be Forgiven, or so believe the believers, but it is there, it will be there, Unforgotten, Unforgiving, Brewing, A Rage gathering strength, a Rage that will cleanse all the wrongdoings, How I wish for it to come soon. For the Fire, to burn and singe the sinners, for isn’t it true… The Remains of A Charred Dream will give birth to another…

How I Wish…

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Anonymous Anonymous believes...

"..If you didn't care what happened to me,

And I didn't care for you,

We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain,

Occasionally glancing up through the rain,

Wondering which of the buggers to blame

And watching for pigs on the wing..."
~From Pink Floyd's 'Animals'

Thu Apr 20, 09:15:00 AM 2006  
Blogger unforgiven believes...

Beautifully put.

I don't agree with parts but that doesn't change the fact, its beautifully put.

Thu Apr 20, 09:08:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Cruel Intentions believes...

Thanks a lot guys, I dunno how but I just know, that there are some out there who wish... Just like I do.

Fri Apr 21, 04:10:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Rush believes...

hey aman, its very well-written!! is there a rage that will cleanse all wrong doings? i hope it is, and that it does not wreak havoc..

Fri Apr 21, 05:32:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Nutan Singh believes...

Had time to read some of your posts. Good going. Keep it up!

Mon Apr 24, 08:33:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Cruel Intentions believes...


The Rage is building, The outcome I do now know, But Yeah It Will come.


Thanks, But Right Now, Dunno If I Would Be Able To Keep Going for some time to come.

Mon Apr 24, 09:16:00 AM 2006  

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